Haunted Barn
Walk the property and final home, including the personal possessions of Erlend Norgaard for the scariest Haunted House in the area.
Open October 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26, November 1 and 2.
After 6pm the Haunted Barn will cost $13.00 per person. Ticket sales begin at 4pm. The Haunted House opens at 5pm, with ticket sales ending at 9pm. Before 6pm the Petting Farm/ Haunted House package price is $19.00 per person. Lesser scare available upon request.
Begin your haunt outside with an informative tour of the Norgaard family history, including their tragic deaths, and Erlend's consultation of the forest woman (witch) Agit.

Continue on the tour as you visit their family cemetery where their spirits have been awakened from their slumber.

And finally, make your way into the barn where there are still items from the tragedy (things that survived the fire) and Erlend's artwork of revenge.

Just be carful as you make your way through the barn that you don't run into Erlend or his witch companion.